The upcoming Men's event will be annouced soon! If you have any questions please reach out to us at
We are men getting intentional about making connections that matter! We are action-driven, uniting in sync with the mission and vision of HighRidge. We focus on building community in Groups.
Our vision for HighRidge Men is to be a thriving community of mighty Men of God who are faithfully in the Word, growing in their faith, leading their families well, and helping to grow the Kingdom of God.
Our Men's Ministry believes that men should not walk alone. Just as a boxer needs a good Cornerman to be successful in a boxing match, men walking out their faith in this fallen world also need a Corneman (fellow brother in the Lord) to successfully walk through the ups and downs of life with. A fellow brother who will mentor and pray with them to be all that God has called them to be. For more information on being a Cornerman please click "learn more" below.
"As Iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another."
Proverbs 27:17
You can connect through joining a Group or check our website for upcoming events.