We are...Honor

We Are...Honor

In our ongoing series titled "We Are," we explore the essence of our identity as a church. Today, we delve into a core value that shapes our community and interactions: honor. This value is not just a concept; it's a call to action, guiding us to honor all people with the love of Christ.


The Meaning of Honor

Honor is about adding value, respect, and esteem to others. It's treating people as precious and valuable, regardless of our differences or disagreements. Unfortunately, our culture often leans towards dishonor, manifesting in disrespect and devaluation, especially in the digital realm of social media. As a church, we strive to counter this trend by upholding honor in all our interactions.


Three Ways to Live a Life of Honor

  1. 1. Honor Up

"Honor up" means respecting those in authority over us, starting from childhood with our parents. The Bible promises that honoring our parents leads to a long and prosperous life. This principle extends to all authorities, including governmental leaders. Regardless of our personal opinions, we are called to honor them through prayer and respectful actions.


  1. 2. Honor Down

To "honor down" is to add value to those under our authority or influence. Jesus exemplified this by calling and empowering his disciples, transforming their lives with purpose. In our lives, we can honor down by mentoring and nurturing those we lead, whether they are our children, employees, or spiritual mentees.


  1. 3. Honor All Around

Finally, "honor all around" involves valuing our peers and those in our immediate circle. This means preferring others over ourselves and striving to outdo one another in showing honor. When we avoid jealousy and selfish ambition, we foster unity and prevent disorder and evil in our relationships.


The Impact of Honor

Honor has the power to build up and bring positive change. It creates an environment where faith can thrive and miracles can occur. Conversely, a lack of honor can hinder the work of God, as seen in Jesus' hometown, where disbelief limited his miraculous works.


Embracing Honor in Our Lives

As we commit to honoring up, down, and all around, we align ourselves with God's heart and purpose. Let's be mindful of the value we add or subtract in every interaction, ensuring that our words and actions reflect the honor we are called to embody.

In closing, let's pray for the grace to increase our honor towards others, recognizing that as we honor, we not only bless those around us but also draw closer to the heart of God. May our church be known as a place where honor is not just taught but lived out in every aspect of our lives.